
Friday, November 30, 2012



The extraction of wisdom teeth has become something of a rite of passage for many you people.  And even though it’s a simple, straightforward procedure, the idea of extracting teeth can make some patients very apprehensive.

If you’re wondering how painful your extraction will be, I’m happy to say, minimal to not at all!  During your extraction, local anesthetic and sedation make the procedure itself feel like a deep and comfortable sleep.

Really, the only tough part of your extraction is when you leave the office to rest, recover and heal.  Proper aftercare of an extraction is very important.  This not only means you’ll minimize the moderate swelling and soreness you may experience, it ensures that your gums heal and stay healthy now that there are empty spaces where your wisdom teeth used to be.

When you recuperate from your extraction, make sure to avoid strenuous activity.  You’ll find you probably want to spend the rest of the day with your feet up, and that’s a good thing.  Make sure you follow all prescribed guidelines using the appropriate rises and any after-care medications that we specify.  And last but not least, enjoy soft, mild foods for at least a day or two.  If you haven’t treated yourself to some ice cream, pudding or Jell-O in a while, recovery from a tooth extraction is a great time to do so!

Complete information on what you can expect from a tooth extraction is available right on our website.  My fellow doctors and staff also welcome your call with questions.

To happy, healthy and beautiful smiles,

Dr. Shahin Rashidi, DMD

Friday, November 23, 2012



Since it’s become quite popular and favored among many of our patients here at Washington Square Dental, we want to give you even more of a reason to try Invisalign.  The clear, plastic tooth aligners are a great way to gradually straighten your smile and address minor to moderate cosmetic alignment concerns.  Our patients have been thrilled with how discreet, comfortable, flexible and effective they are—especially for adults who don’t feel comfortable with the specifics of traditional orthodontics.  If you’ve been thinking about trying Invisalign but you’ve been putting it off for one reason or another, I have some news to help you in your decision to improve the appearance of your smile.

If you’re a new patient, Washington Square Dental is now offering $400 in savings on your Invisalign treatment.  Just go to our Promotions page and check out our special offer on Invisalign.  If Invisalign isn’t for you, we’d still like to welcome you to our office with other great offers and savings. Don’t forget to share this special news with any friends who may be interested in Invisalign, or any of our other comprehensive dental treatments.

As always, Dr. Azimi, Dr. Dow and I look forward to seeing new and familiar smiles.

- Dr. Shahin Rashidi, DMD

Friday, November 9, 2012



Have you ever taken advantage of our sedation dentistry services? It’s a great way to make a dental procedure feel like a well-deserved rest or even a mini vacation!  Here at Washington Square Dental, we provide two different types of sedation.  Both are highly effective in common cases of dental phobia. 

Nitrous oxide sedation is probably the one most patients are already most familiar with.  It’s widely referred to as laughing gas because of the euphoric effect that’s experienced upon inhalation.  It’s safe, easy to administer, and enables you to totally relax during your procedure, even as you remain conscious and able to communicate.  It’s also a very mild form of sedation that’s easy to emerge from.  In most cases you’ll be able to drive, return to work, class and other activates after your procedure with nitrous oxide sedation.

Anxiolysis sedation is less familiar though just as effective as nitrous oxide.  Instead of breathing a gas, this light sedative comes in the form of a simple pill.  As the effect of the Anxiolysis sets in, you’ll feel completely relaxed and comfortable, while remaining conscious.  This form of sedation will also allow you to continue on with your day following your procedure.

For more information on the safe and effective sedation services we provide along with our gentle and advanced dental care, please visit our website or call us directly.  Dr. Azimi, Dr. Dow and I look forward to answering your questions and seeing you for next smile care appointment.

To happy, healthy and beautiful smiles,

Dr. Shahin Rashidi, DMD



Have you ever taken advantage of our sedation dentistry services? It’s a great way to make a dental procedure feel like a well-deserved rest or even a mini vacation!  Here at Washington Square Dental, we provide two different types of sedation.  Both are highly effective in common cases of dental phobia. 

Nitrous oxide sedation is probably the one most patients are already most familiar with.  It’s widely referred to as laughing gas because of the euphoric effect that’s experienced upon inhalation.  It’s safe, easy to administer, and enables you to totally relax during your procedure, even as you remain conscious and able to communicate.  It’s also a very mild form of sedation that’s easy to emerge from.  In most cases you’ll be able to drive, return to work, class and other activates after your procedure with nitrous oxide sedation.

Anxiolysis sedation is less familiar though just as effective as nitrous oxide.  Instead of breathing a gas, this light sedative comes in the form of a simple pill.  As the effect of the Anxiolysis sets in, you’ll feel completely relaxed and comfortable, while remaining conscious.  This form of sedation will also allow you to continue on with your day following your procedure.

For more information on the safe and effective sedation services we provide along with our gentle and advanced dental care, please visit our website or call us directly.  Dr. Azimi, Dr. Dow and I look forward to answering your questions and seeing you for next smile care appointment.

To happy, healthy and beautiful smiles,

Dr. Shahin Rashidi, DMD